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Property Management Agreement

Prețul inițial a fost: 500,00 lei.Prețul curent este: 250,00 lei.

Property Management Agreement, editable model, drawn up by an experienced lawyer, easily adapted to your needs, according to the instructions.

It is the document that regulates the collaboration in which a party, called the Provider, undertakes to provide management services (administration) of the property/properties owned by the Beneficiary, in exchange for a price.


How can it help you the Property Management Agreement

The property management agreement model helps you either to offer your services as a property manager or to contact (hire) a property manager to provide management services for the properties you own.
It creates a clear and fair context for both Parties. 
For the provider, clearly documenting the terms and conditions in the contract provides a framework to quickly and efficiently resolve any disputes or disagreements with the client, avoiding the loss of time and resources in litigation.
For the client, signing the contract ensures that they will benefit from detailing the services, which allows them to have realistic expectations and provides them with a stable and predictable framework for planning how the administration services will be delivered. 
The contract provides for clear methods of payment and penalties for lateness, ensuring compliance with deadlines and stimulating promptness of payments. 
It sets out the conditions for termination of cooperation, including those related to non-fulfillment of obligations or in situations of force majeure, thus ensuring that both parties are protected in the event of unforeseen circumstances. 

What does the Property Management Agreement contain?

The Property Management Agreement contains the following:

  • No. of pages: 24
  • No. of chapters: 8
  • No. of articles: 18
  • No. of annexes: 5
  • Date of last check/update: 07.01.2025
  • It also includes a model of the Addendum to the Contract and the GDPR Annex (for natural person Clients)

Who can use a Property Management Agreement?

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 Legal entities


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Individual companies (II)

Family companies (IF)

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Free lancers (PFA)

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Natural persons

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Why choose a model property management agreement drawn up by LegalZen?

It is written by an experienced lawyer who has ensured that it complies with the legal regulations in force.

It is editable, very easy to fill in with your data, according to the instructions that accompany it

Being drawn up by a lawyer, it has all the necessary clauses that protect and clarify. But the power remains with you, you are the one who will read the contract and decide whether an article is suitable or not for your specific situation, deleting those that are not relevant.

There is no risk of deleting something essential, the standard clauses (eg: parties, amount, validity, force majeure, notices, data protection, conflict management) are obviously necessary when completing the contract.

But, when you look at the terms of execution of the contract, the rights and obligations of the parties or the appendices, you will see that you can adapt them to include exactly what you and your partner agreed to.

It may seem complicated, but by taking a little time to read and adapt the contract, you’ll have a huge satisfaction knowing you’ve signed something you know.

Because, don’t forget, according to the Civil Code, „The valid concluded contract has the force of law between the contracting parties.”

And you, as the signatory of a contract, have the power, by clearly establishing the contractual conditions, to create the law applicable to the collaboration with your partner. The contract model that we provide you ensures that you have concluded a valid contract, which also respects the legal framework established by the state institutions.

This model contract includes clauses related to the provider’s guarantee, the management fund and specifying the related sanctions, in case of violation of the terms and conditions of the contract.

It specifies the rights and obligations of both parties, the terms and ways of payment, indicating the related sanctions in case of non-compliance.

It contains an annex detailing multiple potential types of services that the Provider could offer. It contains an annex with the description of the property and the process of delivery and acceptance of the property subject to the contract. It contains an appendix in which the expenses incurred by the Service Provider can be entered.

It also includes a model of the Addendum, if needed, and the GDPR Annex, to be used when the Client is a natural person.

So you benefit from all the legal expertise of a professional, in a very simple way.

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Other questions about the property management contract:

Îți personalizăm contractul!

Ai citit toate informațiile de mai sus, crezi că acest contract este potrivit pentru tine însă ai vrea totuși să ți-l finalizăm noi (unul dintre avocații LegalZen), pe nevoia ta specifică.
Cu plăcere!
Trebuie doar să completezi formularul din pagina de mai jos și vom reveni către tine, în maxim 12 de ore, cu oferta pentru personalizare (prețul va fi în funcție de complexitate). 

Ai deja un contract? Îl verificăm pentru tine.

Dacă ai deja un contract și vrei să te asiguri că acesta conține clauzele corecte, care îți protejează interesele, încarcă-l în pagina Analiză contracte, pentru a primi, pe email, opinia juridică a unui avocat cu experiență.

Am nevoie de un avocat

Dacă nevoile tale legale sunt diferite de întocmirea sau analiza unui contract, cel mai probabil ai nevoie de asistență personalizată, oferită de un avocat dedicat. Pentru asta, te rugăm să mergi în pagina Am nevoie de un avocat.

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